Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Monday, August 24, 2009
SMA was built on July 17, 2004 located in Yos Sudarso street KM 18.5 (Seruai street) Sub Medan Labuhan

SMA Negeri 19 Medan has the arrangement of administration, with the following composition: Drs. H. Paimin (Principal)); Drs. M. Lumban Gaul (Curriculum advertisement); Drs. Gindo Gultom (Facilities & Infrastructure advertisement); Dra.Ermanety Zein (Studentship I advertisement) and Dra. Hj. Merysisniwaty(Studentship I advertisement).

On July 17, 2004 SMA Negeri 19 Medan accept the first students with one hundred and three people (38 male students and 65 female students). This first generation high school graduate as many as 40 people IPA program, and 63 social studies program.

School Location
The state of Senior High School 19 Medan is located in Seruai street, Kelurahan Sei Mati, Medan Labuhan Postcode District 20252. This high school has been using since 2004, high school has a total area of about seven hectares, with an area of 1788 m2 academic zone. The total spaces are 15 rooms, 1 unit Biology Lab, 1 unit Physical Lab, 1 unit Chemistry Lab, 1 unit the Library, a unit of Skills Room, 1 unit Computer Lab, two rooms WC Students, two rooms Wc Teachers, mosque one unit. Status of land ownership that is owned, the organizing time in the morning. The state of Senior High School 19 Medan can be reached easily from both the North and from the city of Medan. Distance High School with North Medan (North Harbour), approximately 5 km that can be achieved with the use of city transport mini bus for about 15 minutes. Distance High School with about 10 KM Martubung that can be achieved by using public transportation for about 30 minutes.Distances  Marelan School with approximately 8 KM that can be achieved by using public transport for 15 minutes.


1. Personality with the intelligence intellectual, emotional, and spiritual as well as skilled and able to compete in the era of globalization
2. Can plan the future (the purpose of life and can live independently)


1. Developing the conductive atmosphere
2. Students appreciate the intensified activities of religious, cultural noble values of the nation, uphold high sportsmanship. Wise and sage, act and behave in society, nation and state as the act of promises students

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